HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Bootstrap 5 | React | React Native | PHP | NodeJS | ExpressJS | SASS | BABEL | and more..
A huge part in developing great apps and websites lies in your ability to design easy-to-use products.
I strive to bring positivity into every interaction I have. I believe this is essential in ensuring a successful business.
I love creating websites that explain things quickly and easily for the comprehension of all audiences. I have an eye for detail and a knack for perfection which means when I finish a project, I am extremely satisfied with my results. I always stay curious and I'm constantly learning new ways to solve software and design-related problems.
I started my journey in design and development back in 2010 as a graphic design intern for VisArts. I worked my way up and eventually became a digital media instructor. I taught subjects in web development, graphic design, brand design, music production, and digital marketing. I gained my knowledge from working with dozens of professionals in and outside of the studio.
“For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.”
- Aristotle